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"Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it.

Make it your friend and ally, not your enemy.

this will miraculously transform your whole life"

Eckhart Tolle

This section is our way of giving you a little introduction to the practices and beliefs we hold close here at HOG.


Knowledge is key to your progress and we want to give you as much information as possible without overwhelming you.


Please take a minute before booking any sessions to have a look at our practices and ask us any questions you may have before getting started 



"Reiki is love, love is wholeness, wholeness is balance, balance is well being, well being is freedom from disease"
Dr Mikao Usui

Reiki is an Ancient Japanese art form focusing on the transference of "Universal Healing Energy" in order to aid in emotional and physical healing. It is used by practitioners around the world often focused on relieving Anxiety, Depression and Physical Pains. At HOG we prefer to focus on the relieving of blockages on the Chakra's (see below) and Channeling healing energy. As a Reiki Master, I believe that everything in the body is interconnected, your energy, mind, body, spirit and your emotions all connect with your essence as a whole entire being. 


When your Chakras are out of balance your life force energy (Chi) is not able to flow as freely as it should. Blockages start forming as energy gets stuck, therefore the term energetic blockage is often used for unhealed wounds and deep rooted trauma etc. Not only can this hold you back from living your best life , but it may also contribute to dis-ease in the body.


The purpose of Reiki is to support in healing or to "make whole", Reiki guides the body to do what it instinctively does best and that is to create harmony and balance.  


2-4 Sessions are recommended to feel the full benefits of Reiki but not always necessary.


Check Reiki Services and Provisos for more information 

Crystal, Chakra and
Aura Healing

"You must gain balance within yourself before you can bring balance to the world. In order to master the Avatar state
(higher self) you must open all of the Chakras"
Guru Pathik

Crystals can be used in many different ways for healing. By matching the right vibratinal energy of crystals and human energy, we are able to focus and tailor Healing sessions towards the healing of an individuals Aura and Chakra's. 


Chakra healing is the practice of repairing or unblocking the flow of swirling energy within each person. Chakra refers to various pools of life force energy (Chi) that correspond with specific nerve clusters and organs. The "Core Seven" Chakras run from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Any blockages can cause both emotional and physical harm, they require healing in order to promote improved and greater well being.


Aura Healing much like the alignment and unblocking of the Chakras is used to bring back balance to ones physical and mental well being. By cleansing and/or repairing the Aura we can gain protection from forces that seek to distrupt our individual calm.


Check Service page for Sessions and Provisos for more information ​

Oracle,Tarot & Pendulum

"Alone we wander looking for answers, togther we stride asking the right questions"

Using a variety of decks and pendulums, a practitioner can channel Universal energy, higher self and/or their spirit guides in order to draw guidance.


Tarot - Using classic Arcana decks, Tarot is often used to draw answers to specific questions and popular with "Past,Present and Future" spreads. 



Oracle - for the spiritualist in you, oracle is known for more spiritual questions with less restrictions to the physical than Tarot


Pendulum - Pendulum dowsing can be used for multiple things, but here at HOG we primarily use it for Chakra work and direct yes/no questions


Check Services Page for Sessions and Provisos for more information 


Sound Healing


"Music is a higher revaluation 

than all wisdom and philosophy.

Music is the electrical soil in which the spirit lives, thinks and invents." 



Sound healing therapy has been used for thousands of years by our ancestors. It is understood even  by modern science that the body reacts to certain harmonic vibrations and an imbalance of frequency can lead to many physical and emotional health conditions. Using a variety of instruments and techniques set to a specific resonance we are able specifically to target the Chakras, this practice has been known to aid with conditions such as Stress, Trauma, Anxiety and Pain thus promoting the release of old energy and filling you with Positive New Energy whilst also re-aligning your Chakras. The Crystal Sound Bowls for instance are set at 432hz frequency and able to accurately target certain Chakras, allowing the practitioner to work on specific blockages and re tune the body's resonance. This is best applied during meditation which allows us to create a positive resonance between the body and our higher self.


Check Sound healing services and Provisos for more information 

"A Reiki Attunement is an act of asking for the wisdom and grace of Reiki to enter our consciousness and our actions"
Colleen Benelli

The Attunement process is a spiritual ceremony that is used to connect a person to the original source of Universal Healing Energy. By doing this they are open to the flow of life force energy (Chi) and channeling healing pathways connecting us to our higher selves. By completing an Attunement we sync our resonance to the emotions and energies of those around us while allowing them to pass through without distortion. This creates an emphatic nature in the same way a parent reacts to their children, someone attuned can react positively to others promoting well being and calm.  The purpose of Level One Attunement is to be connected to Source, promote our own healing and protection. Level Two allows us to empathically pass this onto others with their consent, sharing our Chi and that of the Universes, the same way a tuning fork vibrates we can resonate our energy to help heal physical or emotional trauma in others.


Check Attunement Services and Provisos for more information 


Spiritual Life Coach

"life begins where fear ends, a certain darkness is needed to see the stars"

As a Reiki Master and Spiritual life coach my goal is to always get to the root cause of what is holding you back in life. This can be physical, emotional and Spiritual, the main aim is to get your back onto your true life path and claim back your power.  This can be achieved through multiple techniques, but the core practices used are


Shadow work - dealing/facing  with deep rooted trauma and exploring the emotional restraints on our spirits.


Cord Cutting - the Physical and Spiritual act of severing the bindings that are holding us from our highest purpose also known as Etheric, Karmic or Energetic cords.



Witchy Woo

"You've always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself"
Glinda - The Wizard of OZ

Witchy practices are based on infusing all aspects of life with "intent"


By focusing on specific outcomes Witches are able to achieve or influence many feats including but not limited to, Protection spells, Astral Projection, Monetary Manifestation and many others based on the desires of the Witch



Holistic Healing for Mind, Body, Spirit & Soul

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